Note: This is the 3rd article in our series on Pets & Coronavirus. Click the links to see the first article: Pets and Corona Virus.... What Do We Know? and the second: Keeping Your Dog's Paw's Clean in the times of Corona Virus.
These are trying times for sure. When we're stressed out it's natural that we would want to snuggle more than ever with our pets, while keeping everyone safe.
Here's the latest advice from the Chief Medical Officer at the Oregon Humane Society:
- There is no evidence that the virus can be transmitted from our pets to us.
- Social distancing is important for our pets, too. Make sure your pets are keeping six feet from any other pets or people who are not part of your household.
- If you are diagnosed with COVID-19, try to limit exposure to your pets or wash your hands before caring for them to reduce the chance they could pick up the virus.
- Have a plan in place if you are hospitalized or need help caring for your pets. Follow these tips for creating an emergency plan for your pets.